class i elastics
En-mass movement non extraction - class 2 3 elastics 5-6 ounces 142-170g. On the left side where the height is more use one elastic band per day while on the other side put two bands. How To Wear Rubber Bands Midline Upper 3 Lower 3 Youtube Rubber Bands Band Ear Cuff Posterior box elastics 6 ounces 170g. . I would suggest you have two options to follow firstly using the Class II elastics with a modification. For a class 2 you will want to connect your elastic from upper 3 down to the lower 6. Effects upon the maxillary archupper incisors are more vertical extrusion and downward movement of anterior occlusal plane backward movement of the upper arch dental distalization. If youve been asked to wear elastics during your treatment its important to remember to wear them exactly as instructed. Posterior box elastics 6 ounces 170g. Anterior elastics box elastic for anterior openbite 1-2 ounces 28-57g. So elastic...